
Imagine a woman with such a strong sense of inner confidence that when she walks into a room, others are energised by her presence. You can tell she’s a woman that trusts her instincts, lives a life that inspires her and creates her own rules. She is warm, yet commanding, radiant with passion and purpose. Now imagine that she is you. This is you in your Electric.

Our Manifesto explains the 9-step journey for women to be their most Electric self. Start the journey to meet and become her.


We commit to the Electric Woman within us. We understand her vision will create a fulfilling life and we choose this.


We acknowledge our struggles, negativity and fear. We are determined to see them objectively. They do not define us.


We choose to proactively create space for self-care, which lays the foundation for clarity of mind and a consistent loving approach to each day.


We are not looking for others to decide for us. We trust ourselves and develop a strong intuition that we listen to, and act upon. We embrace our feminine side without apology.


Our honesty is courageous. It’s exposing, intimate and ultimately liberates us to create greater connection. We don’t shy away from pain, we bravely move through it.


We radically accept our body and cultivate our sexual energy. We know and ask for what we want and we are open to receiving pleasure.


We lead from the soul, (vs. ego) getting in touch with our inner truth and purpose, we then feel called to express our gifts and talents.


We recognize that magic and opportunities are all around us. We go for abundance in life and we claim it. We open our eyes to this.


We lead others, powerfully, from inspiration. We put our mission out into the world, with the support from our tribe. We pass on the light.

Electric women have a dynamic vision for the future.