Clear the Path to Your Electric.

When we feel connected to our Electric Woman, our mind is clear and peaceful; our body is alive and strong and we feel supported by the mystery and wonder of life.

And then life happens. Work gets all-consuming, our partners or children need more attention than we’ve been giving, we look around our home and see a list of tasks that seem endless, we get lost in social media and judge ourselves and our lives against others...and we deflate. 

The most frustrating thing about connecting to our Electric Woman is that we think she can’t be around all the time. It feels like moments of respite, where we can take a few deep breaths, and then back into the fray.

But what if she could? What if instead of these fleeting encounters, we could access her every second of every day?

Join us for the Electric Woman tribe call on Monday at 730-845pm BST as we learn how to strengthen the bond between ourselves and our Electric; to clear the path so there is less resistance to hearing her voice and more trust that she is always right there, waiting for us to open up and listen.

We will be joined by Kristen Shapiro, intuitive guide and founder of Soul Speak Sessions. Her work is about connecting you to your highest expression of self. The experience is clarifying and transformative as she channels information directly from higher levels of consciousness; the messages that come through ground us in truth and the vision of a more just and compassionate world.  

We look forward to seeing you on Monday at 730pm-845pm on Zoom

If you would like to join us and haven’t been to a tribe call before, email us athello@electricwoman.comand we will be sure to welcome you.

Nikki & Kristen


Prioritise your pleasure this December


It's time to release