Reclaim your sexuality, awaken your desires and bring more pleasure and love into your life.
Come alive in your sensuality and sexuality
Celebrate your body
Heal shame and release limiting beliefs around yourself, sex and relationships
Explore your deepest desires
Bring more pleasure, love and self-love into your life
Embrace the power of receiving

“A must for every woman who wishes to explore her sensuality and sexuality and break through barriers and preconceptions imposed by culture, upbringing or personal history.”
Daphne, Founder & CEO
The Aphrodite Sessions, in four months you will:
Meet and become your most empowered sexual and sensual self, through powerful visualisations and somatic practices
Heal shame and release limiting beliefs around yourself, your body, sex and relationships
Design a life fueled by pleasure and desire
Experience the power of the Akashic Records for any of the following:
Opening to love
Calling in the soul of your romantic relationship
Revitalising your relationship/s and bringing more desires, passion and connection.
What’s involved:
90 minute Discovery session and Aphrodite visualisation
6 x 60 minute coaching sessions
I will be sharing the specific books, practices and tools in support of your transformation
I will be on Whatsapp to support you in between our sessions and welcome short calls if you would like to speak about anything you need.
Nikki’s story
I used to walk around like a ‘walking head’, disconnected from my body, hoping my make-up and smile would mask how unconfident I felt. Sexually I didn't think I was any good. I would focus on my partner’s pleasure, unable to ask for what I wanted, let alone receive it. The hardest thing for me was to ask for what I wanted and so I stayed quiet. This didn’t only happen in the bedroom, this happened in life.
A big part of my journey to empower myself was to reclaim my sexuality, which turned on my confidence, and turned off the repressed, never-good-enough, good-girl.
I wanted to learn what it meant to be a turned on, sexual woman. I moved into a conscious sexuality community for two years, I practised orgasmic meditation, I went to tantra workshops, learned BDSM and now lead sexual empowerment workshops for women.
I love supporting women to empower themselves through their sexuality, it’s a rich opportunity to release the shame and fears we hold around our worth, body, relationships, and sex. And to remember that we are built for pleasure.

“Female sexual pleasure, is not just about sexuality, or just about pleasure. It serves, also, as a medium of female self knowledge and hopefulness: female creativity and courage: female focus and initiative: female bliss and transcendence: and as a medium of sensibility that feels very much like freedom. To understand the vagina properly is to realise that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.”
Vagina by Naomi Wolf
What Women Say
What an unbelievable gift to give yourself. You will leave this work with a greater sense of self, an evolution in femininity.
Josephine W
As a female founder and CEO, there are rare occasions when we can take time out and explore our female energy and sexuality in a context of societal norms and what and how we want to incorporate into the boardroom and bedroom.
Tracy O
For the last 27 years I’ve battled with hating my body, being constrained by my limiting beliefs about the way I look in and out of the bedroom. In working with Nikki, I've not only realised how amazing my body is, I’ve embraced my sexuality and I’m exploring areas that I was simply too scared to do.
Charlotte Pearce, Founder & CEO
This work is liberating, challenging and beautiful.
Annalie H
Working with Nikki showed me that sex, desire and pleasure provide me with immense power. How we enjoy pleasure is often a metaphor for our life. The things we do or don't do, including making ourselves vulnerable, expressing our wants and needs or withholding our own pleasure, are manifestations of how we engage with life and can support or hinder us in direct proportions.
Jo Rogers, Lawyer
Why is it that millions of sexually active women aren’t reaching the big O? In this session at Women’s Health Live, Nikki explored the science and psyche of sexual pleasure and the positive physical and mental impact of clocking up more climaxes.
Nikki’s starts a new quarterly column in Quintessentially’s Noted Magazine. Her first article was published today: Please yourself – why embracing pleasure makes for a well-rounded life.
Huffington Post - Why Being Honest With Yourself Is The Key To Unlocking Sexual Desire