2017 Completion
As the year draws to a close we can take this opportunity to review the big themes and lessons of the year – to create a clear ending and space for new beginnings.
At Electric Woman, we have a Completion process in our coaching programmes, which deepens our learning about who we have become and prepares us for what's next. This is a very grounding exercise that allows us to feel a sense of wholeness and stronger connection to self. Our Completion has been inspired by the wonderful Susannah Southgate – Nikki's Coach and mentor.
We wanted to share this with you so you have a way to complete your year with intention and focus. And we invite you to answer this series of questions yourself before the 1st of January.
When writing your answers, we urge you to be as honest as possible, to come face to face with your raw truth. Honour any struggles, challenges and pain from the past year. Find pride in the growth you've achieved, gratitude in the gifts you've been given. Get very real with yourself about what no longer serves you and feel into what you are ready to usher in –this will move you to the next level of expansive living and following your purpose.
What have been the big themes of this year?
What have you learnt about yourself?
Who have you become? (What qualities/values/attributes have you gained?)
What are you ready to let go of?
What commitments are you now making to yourself?
What actions or steps will you take to bring your commitments to life?
How will you celebrate 2017?
See below for a Completion example from Nikki and please share your own answers in the comments section below.
Enjoy the final few days of 2017 and we look forward to reading your Completions.
The Electric Woman Team
A COMPLETION example from Nikki
The big themes for me this year have been in letting go of control having had two miscarriages, I've had to learn how to come back into connection with my body and drop the busy, rushing around lifestyle in favour of rest and being vs doing. This has been big to realise that I can work less and life and business won't fall apart – it actually gets way better! I've also redesigned my relationship with money to feel much more empowering and free, along with creating boundaries in how I work that feels in alignment with the lifestyle I want.
What I've learnt about myself is that I'm closer to my Electric Woman than ever – my Electric Woman is soft, grounded, wise, kind, and big picture. She focusses on what's truly important. The pain of the miscarriages has made me soften, I've had to seek a spiritual path even more diligently than before to accept what's happened without building resentment. Through this I feel my trust in life has grown through acceptance. Life also feels more guided vs. me being in control and thinking that I have all the answers and things happen on my terms, as long as I 'push hard'. Urgghhh.
Who have I become – receptive, trusting, accepting, able to teach the feminine way with greater confidence.
What am I ready to let go of? Being the Slave girl/workhorse (busy, rushing, exhausted, striving, pushing, doing too much at once, treating myself badly).
What commitments am I making to myself? To allow the coming year to unfold with ease, abundance and trust. To be more empowered with long term investing, to commit to writing my book which is my passion project and allow Electric Woman to grow and release control in how this happens.
What's actions/steps will I take? Regular writing, space to be and rest, visioning Electric Woman's plans for 2018, investing.
How will I celebrate? With a closing ritual dinner on New Year's Eve with my husband.
* Image from Freya Berry