Call in Great Love.

This time last year I was just getting over a break-up. 

It was a strange break-up because really there had been nothing there to break. Rather than a deep connection there had been three years of could-we-should-we and then two months of disastrous giving it a go. On the day I ended it I cried for six hours and then went and lay in the sunshine and thought how happy I was to be in a place where I never doubted my ability to walk away.

Even though that brief fling ended it was still a triumph for me because it represented the start of a new period in my life. Before that I hadn't been in a long-term relationship for ten years and if I was honest I probably thought I never would be. I thought I was too fat to be loved, that men were too shallow to notice me and that all relationships ended with heartbreak. I wanted to meet someone but my anger at men and my lack of compassion for myself simply wouldn't allow it.

But that past year I'd set out to change these patterns. I'd worked to rebalance my beliefs around men. I'd taken time to find clarity around what a good relationship looked like to me and the sort of partner I wanted to be. And I'd focussed all the love I wanted to give someone else on myself, the more love I gave myself, the stronger my heart grew.

A month or so after that break-up I had a realisation. Rather than that experience denting my desire for connection, it had in fact shown how important it was to me. For the first time in about ten years I was able to clearly say "I want a relationship" without fear. Once I'd said the words out loud I knew I had to make it happen. A few weeks later I did the Electric Woman Love manifestation, calling in the relationship I really wanted and setting the deadline of my 38th birthday. I only had three months and no idea how to turn around a decade of bad dating juju but something inside me just wanted to believe.

There is a quote which says "autumn reminds us how beautiful it is to let things go". At the start of autumn I'm inviting you to join me for a very special Electric Woman call which I am leading next Monday. Whether you're single, in a relationship or finding it all a bit too complicated, we'll be looking at how we can let go of whatever it is that holds us back from connection and how we can call more love into our lives.

I'll take you through a cleansing ritual to let go of anything which doesn't serve you and a guided meditation to call in your deepest desires. 

This is my favourite thing to do with clients, it's the part of my coaching that lights me up the most and I can't wait to share it with you all. The power of connecting to your own longings and owning them cannot be measured, so come and join me for an evening with your deepest desires and let's see what we can manifest.

Oh... and the manifestation worked. We had our first date nine days before my 38th birthday and moved in together three months later. There's nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and the universe. In letting go of a relationship I thought I wanted but which didn't truly speak to my hearts' desire, I made space for one that did. 

Harriet x


Strength and Grace


A Healing Birth