A Healing Birth
My second daughter Darcie arrived on 15th July 2020.
And not in the way I thought.
The dreamy ‘water birth scenario with no complications’ failed to manifest for either of my births, yet this birth proved itself to be deeply healing.
Labouring with Darcie brought me closer to my tribe, I felt carried by the strength of the women in my community including my own mother and recently passed mother-in-law who I called on in the darkest hours whilst I laboured in a room alone (my husband Tom wasn’t allowed in for the majority of the birth due to the Covid restrictions). This birth restored my trust in my body and showed me just how strong I am. A reminder of how strong we all are as women.
Luckily, I had the most incredible Doula Rollyn Bornhorst aka The Rolly Mama on the end of the phone championing me and supporting me to surrender to my strength. She was virtually by my side through the toughest times and celebrated the exciting moments along the way.
And when Tom finally did arrive, my body and soul relaxed in the most profound way, this man came with his love and protection when I needed him the most.
You can listen to my full birth story below where my Doula, Rollyn and I discuss the birth including the most powerful moments and the biggest challenges. It was a journey from hope, to doubt and loss, to sweet surrender – and to the miraculous.
Listen to Nikki’s birth story here
Thank you to my friends and family who held the vision of a magical and courageous birth. And thank you finally to my brave Darcie, our first dance together in this life was pretty intense! Know that you have many angels looking out for you. Darling girl, you’re going to do just fine.
With love,
Nikki xx
PS if you’re looking for a virtual Doula for your birth, please do get in touch with Rollyn who is based in Massachusetts, US. She is the most loving, wise and grounded support and you will feel seen and held all the way.